Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Oh no. For the second time this week, I've been proven wrong. First by Michael Schumacher, who finished 2nd despite starting 14th in the Imola Grand Prix. And now Constantine.

I admit, I'm not a big Constantine groupie, but I do like the guy. He's oozing with charisma and it's fun to watch him do his thing on stage. Well, maybe not last Wednesday. His rendition of the Nickelback song was just horrendous. It just wasn't right.

Still, he's been doing pretty well. So well actually that he's never been among the bottom 3. Before this week, only he and Carrie can boast of not having experienced what it was like to wait for Ryan Seacrest to quit stalling and finally blurt out who goes home. I was horrified with Constantine's number last night, but I felt that with his popularity, he'd survive this one. The experience was forgettable, but it certainly was forgivable.

Wrong. For Constantine, it took only one slip up. America cruelly refused to give the guy a second chance. Which I find so mystifying. I thought they liked Constantine. Compared to Scott, whose performances week after week makes me cringe, Constantine seemed to have been dropped like a hot potato. Was it because of his bad number? Or was there more to it? I have a horrible feeling that somehow, the voting audience got turned off by his seemingly comfortable home in New York or simply by the fact that he has Greek roots. Asia appeared to be unaffected by this, with Constantine garnering the largest chunk of Asia votes (were Asians also immune to his bad performance?). Whatever it was, America threw in the punch and knocked Constantine out.

American Idol won't be the same without this crooner. I thought he'd be one of the final 3. Well, Fate seems to have other plans for him. Good thing his band has been given a contract...this guarantees that the Nickelback song will not be the last song we'll be hearing Constantine sing (something I'd rather forget).

In the meantime, I'll continue rooting for the other long-haired guy. Now, don't anybody prove me wrong when I say that Bo Bice is the 4th American Idol.

written on 28 April 2005

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